HAE Junior supports Rare Disease Day
HAE Junior applied to include HAE diagnosis on the list of eligible conditions for Euro keys in the Czech Republic.
HAE Junior celebrates its 5th anniversary!
Registration is now open for the new HAEi LEAP 2025 program.
Interview with Dr. Ingrid Klingmann on the EU Cross-border Clinical Trials Initiative (EU-X-CT).
The Czech version of HAEi's patient guide "Women with HAE" is now available for download also on www.haejunior.cz website.
On HAE Day 2024, the Czech media published another HAE patient story
On 16 May, the whole HAE community is celebrating hae day 🙂
Call for submissions open until 12th December 2024.
The 2024 HAE Junior camp with the theme ‘Our Super Siblings’ took place between 12th - 14th of April in Prague.
Do you consider studying abroad for one or two semesters?
It wasn't until I moved to the Czech Republic that my life changed for the better.
Precious moments as the main focus of this year's campaign
The newly translated guidebook helps the patients to get familiar with HAE.
Did you know you can support charity projects while practicing your favorite sport?
When: 12th – 14th April 2024
Interview with Camelia Isaic on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the organization
Calendar with drawings made by Czech HAE children
Giving Tuesday falls on Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Registrations are open until Sunday 12th November 2023
An ACARE questionnaire to help patients who suffer from swellings (angioedema) in their diagnosis quest
Interview about the importance and future of plasma derived medicines in the EU
Best wishes to all HAE juniors in the new school year!
Educational summer camp 2023
HAE & holidays: how to best prepare
Interview with doc. Pavlína Králíčková, Ph.D. from University Hospital Hradec Králové.
Raising disease awareness on HAE Day 2023
Interview with Michal Rutkowski, HAEi Regional Patient Advocate
Intreview with Ms. Kateřina Slabá, head of the Promotion of Patients´ Rights Unit of the Ministry of Health
Interview with Tímea Piskáčková, NAPO Executive Director.
Interview with Tomáš Freiberger Ph.D., Lead Physician of the Genetic Laboratory, CKTCH, Brno
What is it like to live with HAE in Ukraine during times of war?
HAE juniors artwork raising awareness among Czech and European lawmakers.
Virtual workshop on 5.10.2022
The first symptom occurred was when I was two years old – it was in 1977.
ECRD 2022 conference to take place online from 27 June to 1 July 2022.
Finally I can live a normal, peaceful life.
Interview with Malena Vetterli, Board Member of ERN-RITA.
"Stronger than HAE" art exhibition as part of the Rare Disease Day 2022 campaign.
HAE Junior joins Giving Tuesday, which this year falls on November 30th, 2021.
Access to preventive treatment and education of patient families are the main patient priorities.
The new legislation is valid as of January 2022.
Back to school can be a challenging time for some HAE juniors and their parents.
HAE Junior welcomes Memsource as a new partner.
HAE Junior held the second edition of HAEro Games in August 2021.
Education of HAE children is one of our priorities.
Informational leaflets for HAE patients & their families.
HAE Junior’s joins the Rare Diseases Day 2021 awareness campaign.
Living with HAE can be burdensome both for the patients and their families.
Supporting the development of my children's talents has returned the joy of life to our whole family - in spite of HAE diagnosis and other obstacles in life.
Patient story illustrating the burden of HAE in relation to education.
A patient testimonial about the experience of living with HAE as a teenager.
A patient story describing how the very first HAE symptom can lead to unnecessary surgery.
Call for submissions open until 12th December 2024.
When: 12th – 14th April 2024
HAE Junior joins Giving Tuesday, which this year falls on November 30th, 2021.
Interview with Dr. Ingrid Klingmann on the EU Cross-border Clinical Trials Initiative (EU-X-CT).
On HAE Day 2024, the Czech media published another HAE patient story
It wasn't until I moved to the Czech Republic that my life changed for the better.
Interview with Camelia Isaic on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the organization
Interview about the importance and future of plasma derived medicines in the EU
Interview with doc. Pavlína Králíčková, Ph.D. from University Hospital Hradec Králové.
Interview with Michal Rutkowski, HAEi Regional Patient Advocate
Intreview with Ms. Kateřina Slabá, head of the Promotion of Patients´ Rights Unit of the Ministry of Health
Interview with Tímea Piskáčková, NAPO Executive Director.
Interview with Tomáš Freiberger Ph.D., Lead Physician of the Genetic Laboratory, CKTCH, Brno
What is it like to live with HAE in Ukraine during times of war?
The first symptom occurred was when I was two years old – it was in 1977.
Finally I can live a normal, peaceful life.
Interview with Malena Vetterli, Board Member of ERN-RITA.
Supporting the development of my children's talents has returned the joy of life to our whole family - in spite of HAE diagnosis and other obstacles in life.
Patient story illustrating the burden of HAE in relation to education.
A patient testimonial about the experience of living with HAE as a teenager.
A patient story describing how the very first HAE symptom can lead to unnecessary surgery.
HAE Junior applied to include HAE diagnosis on the list of eligible conditions for Euro keys in the Czech Republic.
HAE Junior celebrates its 5th anniversary!
Registration is now open for the new HAEi LEAP 2025 program.
The Czech version of HAEi's patient guide "Women with HAE" is now available for download also on www.haejunior.cz website.
On 16 May, the whole HAE community is celebrating hae day 🙂
The 2024 HAE Junior camp with the theme ‘Our Super Siblings’ took place between 12th - 14th of April in Prague.
Do you consider studying abroad for one or two semesters?
Precious moments as the main focus of this year's campaign
The newly translated guidebook helps the patients to get familiar with HAE.
Did you know you can support charity projects while practicing your favorite sport?
Calendar with drawings made by Czech HAE children
Giving Tuesday falls on Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Registrations are open until Sunday 12th November 2023
An ACARE questionnaire to help patients who suffer from swellings (angioedema) in their diagnosis quest
Best wishes to all HAE juniors in the new school year!
Educational summer camp 2023
HAE & holidays: how to best prepare
Raising disease awareness on HAE Day 2023
HAE juniors artwork raising awareness among Czech and European lawmakers.
Virtual workshop on 5.10.2022
ECRD 2022 conference to take place online from 27 June to 1 July 2022.
"Stronger than HAE" art exhibition as part of the Rare Disease Day 2022 campaign.
HAE Junior joins Giving Tuesday, which this year falls on November 30th, 2021.
Access to preventive treatment and education of patient families are the main patient priorities.
The new legislation is valid as of January 2022.
Back to school can be a challenging time for some HAE juniors and their parents.
HAE Junior welcomes Memsource as a new partner.
HAE Junior held the second edition of HAEro Games in August 2021.
Education of HAE children is one of our priorities.
Informational leaflets for HAE patients & their families.
HAE Junior’s joins the Rare Diseases Day 2021 awareness campaign.
Living with HAE can be burdensome both for the patients and their families.