New poster aims to improve the quality of emergency care for Czech HAE patients

11. 5. 2023

As part of the annual awareness campaign for HAE Day (16th May), HAE Junior introduces the Czech version of the HAE emergency room poster. This educational poster, intended for healthcare professionals, was prepared by the umbrella organisation HAE International – HAE Junior has been a member since December 2022. As a result, the poster, which has already helped spread HAE awareness in many countries, is now available also in Czech. 

The poster aims to support health care personnel when providing acute care to HAE patients

One of the obstacles commonly faced by HAE patients is the low awareness of health professionals of this diagnosis and the first aid guidelines. The typical HAE attack symptoms – swelling in the face, larynx or abdomen, shortness of breath or vomiting – are often misinterpreted as a common allergic reaction. Unfortunately, wrong diagnosis and therapy can worsen the acute condition, and in severe cases may lead to unnecessary surgical procedures or even the death of the patient.

This poster aims to help emergency care workers to recognise HAE symptoms more quickly and to choose the appropriate treatment available. It includes photos of characteristic HAE swellings, information about the disease, as well as recommended therapeutic approaches. Special emphasis is placed on differentiating HAE symptoms from standard allergic reactions and there are contacts and links to important resources. The Czech translation has been prepared by our patient organisation HAE Junior.

HAE Day 2023 reminder

As a reminder, since 1st April to 30th May 2023 everyone can join HAEi #active4HAE challenge and help raise HAE awareness through sports, exercise or free time activities. Step by step, HAE International and the global patient community make joint efforts for better disease awareness. For more information on how to participate, click HERE.

Thank you for your support in spreading awareness about HAE in the Czech Republic and abroad!


HAE Junior non-profit organisation
Wichterlova 2372/8, 
Prague 8, 182 00
Organisation ID 08749787

info (at)

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