"We have big dreams for HAE juniors" exhibition

16. 5. 2021

"We have big dreams for HAE juniors" exhibition was initiated to convey the dreams and interests of children and young people living with the rare disease hereditary angioedema (HAE). Not only young patients with HAE participated, but also their siblings and friends aged 4 to 12 years. International friends also contributed with their artwork to the exhibition.

"It is impressive to see how the motifs of hope, light and science are repeated across the drawings and how children with HAE artistically conveyed their enthusiasm for sports, their love for nature and future professional wishes (in engineering, art, etc.). As the main drawing, we chose the drawing called "Czechia knows what HAE is", authored by nine-year-old Dominic. It expresses in a special way the author's hopes that one day awareness of the rare disease HAE will reach a truly national level. " commented Camelia Isaic, HAE Junior chairwoman.

The online gallery is available on the website of the patient organization HAE Junior. The original works will be exhibited at the Patient Hub in Prague from May 12 to mid-July 2021. In the autumn, we will offer this exhibition for loan and installation on the premises of HAE Junior partners who would like to help increase awareness of HAE among their clients and employees.

HAE Junior organized this exhibition with the occasion of the HAE Day and the International Children's Day, falling on May 16th and June 1st, 2021.


HAE Junior non-profit organisation
Wichterlova 2372/8, 
Prague 8, 182 00
Organisation ID 08749787

info (at) haejunior.cz

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