Czech HAE patients can start using 'Euro key'

2. 1. 2025

The so-called ‘Euro keys’ give access to locked public toilets, elevators, stair platforms and other areas where people with health limitations may need to visit in case of difficulties, worsening of their condition, or when they want to take a rest. In addition to patients with stoma, IBD, or diabetes, HAE patients can also use the Euro key, e.g., when dealing with an attack and self-administering treatment. Our organization HAE Junior successfully asked the Czech National Disability Council to include the diagnosis of HAE in the relevant list of diseases.

How can I apply for my Euro key?

Anyone interested in obtaining a Euro key from the HAE patient community can contact either our patient organization or another contact point in their region listed here – Applicants must show a medical report documenting a diagnosis of HAE and an ID card.

Use Euro key in the Czech Republic and abroad

Thanks to the Euro key, you can unlock public toilets and elevators in many other EU countries, which can be useful, for example, on holiday or a business trip. You will find a specific list of locations in each country at this link.

Finally, the mobile app 'Euroklíčenka', which you can download for free, enables users to easily and quickly view all places you might need in the Czech Republic, featuring geolocation and other useful tools.


HAE Junior non-profit organisation
Wichterlova 2372/8, 
Prague 8, 182 00
Organisation ID 08749787

info (at)

Contact for journalists:

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You can send your financial donation also to our bank account 2001782429/2010.


National & international affiliations:

Logo EurodisČeská asociace pro vzácná onemocněníPacientský hubAIP
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