#active4HAE challenge

21. 3. 2024

When: 1st April 2024 – 31st May 2024

Our HAE Junior patient organisation invites all members, health professionals, partners and supporters to join the #Active4HAE challenge, organised by the umbrella organisation HAE International, as part of the global awareness campaign for the annual HAE Day, taking place like every year on 16 May. Last year, we managed to surpass the 50 million steps milestone in the Czech Republic, and thus achieved 1st place in the global ranking. We hope you will help us win and spread awareness about HAE again this year!

Do you like playing sports, going for walks or just relaxing with a book? You can now help HAE patients in raising disease awareness simply by doing these or other activities. You can regularly log your activity on www.haeday.org between 1st April and 31st May 2024. Step by step, we seek to raise awareness of the rare disease HAE in the Czech Republic and worldwide.

We’d be grateful if you mention your support for our organization HAE Junior when logging your activity on the portal :). Also, please, feel welcome to share your HAE awareness posts on social media using the hashtag #active4HAE and by tagging HAE Junior profile 🙂

Our social media platforms

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HAEJuniorCR/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/haejunior

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/haejunior.cz/

Thank you!


HAE Junior non-profit organisation
Wichterlova 2372/8, 
Prague 8, 182 00
Organisation ID 08749787

info (at) haejunior.cz

Contact for journalists:

Media kit download

Contact us

Will you support us?

Support us - HAE Junior cz

You can send your financial donation also to our bank account 2001782429/2010.



National & international affiliations:

Logo EurodisČeská asociace pro vzácná onemocněníPacientský hubAIP
napoNárodní zdravotnický informační portálERN RITA
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