Do you suffer from recurrent swelling? These 10 questions can save your life.

18. 9. 2023

The team of the Angioedema Centers of Reference and Excellence (ACARE) network has prepared a special questionnaire to help patients who suffer from recurrent swelling (angioedema) in their diagnosis quest. The 10 questions (now available also in Czech) focus on the frequency and area of occurrence of angioedema, its typical manifestations, other symptoms or current treatment. After assessment, the survey taker receives a list of possible diagnoses with descriptions.

Filling in the questionnaire is recommended for everyone who suffers from recurrent swelling but hasn’t been diagnosed yet. However, a medical consultation is required in order to get a diagnosis confirmation.

The ACARE program brings together a global network of specialized centers for the treatment of various types of angioedema. Since its inception in 2019, ACARE is currently active in 35+ countries, bringing together leading experts, conducting research studies and assisting with diagnosis. ACARE is a joint initiative of HAE International and GA²LEN – Global Allergy and Asthma European Network.


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