What to do if you are not diagnosed yet, but have symptoms that could possibly be due to HAE?

6. 6. 2023

As part of the awareness campaign for HAE Day, at the end of May 2023, the Czech online magazine Žena-In published a short interview with doctor Pavlina Králíčková about HAE. Readers will learn basic facts about the disease, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. They will also find interesting statistics about the number of HAE patients living in the Czech Republic and worldwide or the average number of hours HAE patients miss at school/work. In addition, there are also videos with patient stories/interviews or information regarding the activities of the HAE Junior patient organisation.

To access the article and video materials, follow the link (Czech language only).

As a reminder, we regularly publish interviews as well as HAE patient stories on our website and social media!


HAE Junior non-profit organisation
Wichterlova 2372/8, 
Prague 8, 182 00
Organisation ID 08749787

info (at) haejunior.cz

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