"My HAE diagnosis uncovered the same rare disease in the whole male line of our family."

11. 6. 2024

On HAE Day 2024, the local media published another article about an HAE patient from the Czech Republic. It tells the story of 23-year-old Michal, a fitness coach living with HAE, who found out about his diagnosis, and subsequently the diagnosis of several relatives, at the age of 8. Despite the significant challenges posed by the illness, he didn't give up and thanks to self-administered injection therapy, he is now able to control the majority of his HAE attacks.

You can read Michal's full story in an article published on 18th May on pro-miminka.cz. The link to the article (in Czech) is available here: https://pro-miminka.cz/moje-diagnoza-odhalila-vzacne-onemocneni-u-cele-muzske-linie-nasi-rodiny/


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