Call for artwork submissions

24. 5. 2022

In October 2022, during the Czech presidency of the EU Council, HAE Junior patient organization will hold an artwork exhibition in the Czech Parliament building, under the patronage of Mrs. Marketa Pekarova Adamova, President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The theme of the exhibition is "Stronger than HAE" and its goals are to highlight the talents of HAE juniors and to raise awareness of hereditary angioedema – a rare immune disorder known as HAE.

We call on all HAE juniors around the world to submit additional paintings and drawings in A3 and A4 format until August 7th, 2022. All children and teenagers from the Czech Republic and abroad (up to 18 years) can take a part – HAE patients, their siblings, classmates, friends etc.

To make a submission please:

  1. Electronically submit a high-resolution scan of your artwork by email at info (at)
  2. With your submission please also indicate the author name/nickname, age, city, artwork title, author's legal representative agreement with publication & promotion of provided information & artwork (please copy/ paste the following text: “I agree with the processing of all hereby provided information for the purposes of HAE Junior's artwork exhibition, including publication and promotion. I also grant HAE Junior z.s. the license rights to use this artwork free of charge, in whole or in part, in both electronic and printed form.").

More information will be available during the month of September 2022.

We can’t wait to see your artwork!


HAE Junior non-profit organisation
Wichterlova 2372/8, 
Prague 8, 182 00
Organisation ID 08749787

info (at)

Contact for journalists:

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You can send your financial donation also to our bank account 2001782429/2010.


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